Saturday, January 1, 2011

Why Do They Come?

No particular additional proof was needed for me to accept and understand that so-called "UFOs" are based on some kind of actual phenomena. But having read Leslie Kean's recent book "UFOs: Generals, Pilots and Government Officials Go On Record", I feel like the notion of debate as to the reality of the phenomena is not particularly relevant.

No more relevant, really, is the question about who they are, where they are from, etc. etc. There is little to be gained from this inquiry. Perhaps they operate from a base in the Pacific Ocean and have always done so. Perhaps they are from Alpha Centauri. Does it matter?

There are two questions, it seems, that do matter.

The first is, what can we learn from them? From an aeronautical perspective, obviously quite a bit. From a time-space-continuum (aka physics) perspective, equally much. Science, and all humanity therefore, is the poorer for a failure to spend more time on such study.

The second and more intriguing, in my opinion, is, why do they come?

Had "they" wanted to take over our planet, it would seem they could have. Or, perhaps not. We are a formidable race with sharp teeth, and perhaps this was of particular note to early extraterrestrial observers. One assumes therefore that takeover/enslavement is probably not on the alien agenda.

Had they wanted to communicate openly with us, one assumes they might have done as much; again, perhaps we have managed to scare them away from direct communication. They seem to hover, to observe, and then to depart without much physical impact.

The abiding mystery, then, would be--why bother with us? Having apparently not changed their overall approach to us over the many years they've been noticed by us, they must have a reason to keep up their observations; and it isn't because we pose some kind of interstellar threat. Nor do I believe they have some kind of benevolent message for us, as it is most likely quite obvious to the student of humanity that we are immune, as a race, to advice good or ill.

Allow me to suggest they are here on this living speck of blue we call Earth for one overarching reason: we are both unique enough and perhaps even marvelous enough to merit the attention of those who might go anywhere in the intergalactic region.

Perhaps they wonder at our carbon-based physiognomy; or our quite obvious fecundity; our apparent sensitivity to our surroundings; perhaps they marvel not so much at humanity but the variety of earthly life-forms; the riotous beauty of our planet's many facets. Maybe they are intent on our abundant water-resources. Or perhaps, overall, they are fascinated with the human creature's intelligence, adaptability, relentlessness and relative mastery of our environment. And perhaps they are comfortable with studying us from their atmospheric perch, letting us go about our business; learning what they can from us--perhaps even deploying some of these lessons in their own foreign worlds, wherever they might be.

The facts are clear: these are actual phenomena; they appear to be intelligent. Therefore, my position is they are collecting data. Perhaps they are both pleased enough and smart enough to simply observe without interfering.

Let's keep up the show.